Madison's dance group did the Nutcracker in December and she was a small doll (a Chinese doll). She did a fantastic job! She was recently in a fireside called "Stories of Faith" at the new Covey Center in Provo. Her dance was to "My Heavenly Father loves me". She even had a solo. (Maybe I'll get Chris to help me post the video) It was the best spiritual "so blessed to be a mother" moment I have had in a while. I was bawling (I'm sure being pregnant didn't help, but the spirit was very strong). I love this dance company! They even had a guest speaker the week before to encourage the girls to dance to uplift others instead of just dancing for themselves and for praise. I certainly was uplifted by this fireside. I thought this was a very cute picture of my girls. Both girls will be in "Alice in Topsy Turvy Land" at the end of the month, so stay tuned for pictures of both of our little stars!
Okay, so I knew when I started that I would be more like a "once a month" blogger, but it's pretty sad that I am just now blogging about Christmas. Hopefully I will get better at this. Anyway, here are some pictures from our wonderful Christmas.This is Katelyn with reindeer food that she got from preschool and set out Christmas Eve. She was VERY excited about it.
The main gift that Santa brought was a trampoline. Santa was up until 3am on Christmas Eve putting it together on top of snow WHILE it was snowing! For some reason Santa was too tired to put up the safety net. We put it up 2 months later when the snow melted. The kids love it! Mom loves it too! Thank you Santa!